Title: The Story of Enoch

Scripture: When Jared was 162 years old, he became the father of Enoch. (Genesis 5:18)

Chapter 4

25-26 Adam slept with his wife again. She had a son whom she named Seth. She said, “God has given me another child in place of Abel whom Cain killed.” And then Seth had a son whom he named Enosh.

That’s when men and women began praying and worshiping in the name of God.

Chapter 5

1-2 This is the family tree of the human race: When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God. He created both male and female and blessed them, the whole human race.

Reflection: (Genesis 5:1)

The Bible contains several lists of ancestors, called genealogies. They are not intended to be exhaustive and may include only famous people or the heads of families.

“He became the father of” could refer not just to a son, but also to a more distant descendant.

Why are genealogies included in the Bible?

The Hebrew people passed on their beliefs through oral tradition.

For many years in many places, writing was primitive or nonexistent.

Stories were told to children who passed them on to their children. Genealogies gave a skeletal outline that helped people remember the stories.

For centuries these genealogies were added to and passed down from family to family. Even more important than preserving family tradition, genealogies were included to confirm the Bible’s promise that the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, would be born into the line of Abraham.

Genealogies point out that people are important to God as individuals. Therefore, God refers to people by name, mentioning their life span and descendants.

The next time you feel overwhelmed in a vast crowd, remember that the focus of God’s attention and love is on the individual – on you!

Reflection: (Genesis 5:3-5)

All human beings are related going back to Adam and Eve.

All people form a family that shares one flesh and blood.

Remember this when prejudice enters your mind or hatred invades your feelings.

Each person is a valuable and unique creation of God.

6-8 When Seth was 105 years old, he had Enosh. After Seth had Enosh, he lived another 807 years, having more sons and daughters. Seth lived a total of 912 years. And he died.

9-11 When Enosh was ninety years old, he had Kenan. After he had Kenan, he lived another 815 years, having more sons and daughters. Enosh lived a total of 905 years. And he died.

12-14 When Kenan was seventy years old, he had Mahalalel. After he had Mahalalel, he lived another 840 years, having more sons and daughters. Kenan lived a total of 910 years. And he died.

15-17 When Mahalalel was sixty-five years old, he had Jared. After he had Jared, he lived another 830 years, having more sons and daughters. Mahalalel lived a total of 895 years. And he died.

18-20 When Jared was 162 years old, he had Enoch. After he had Enoch, he lived another 800 years, having more sons and daughters. Jared lived a total of 962 years. And he died.

21-23 When Enoch was sixty-five years old, he had Methuselah. Enoch walked steadily with God. After he had Methuselah, he lived another 300 years, having more sons and daughters. Enoch lived a total of 365 years.

24 Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.

25-27 When Methuselah was 187 years old, he had Lamech. After he had Lamech, he lived another 782 years. Methuselah lived a total of 969 years. And he died.

Reflection: (Genesis 5:25-27)

How did these people live so long?

Some believe that the ages listed here were lengths of family dynasties rather than ages of individual men.

Those who think these were actual ages offer three explanations:

  1. The human race was more genetically pure in this early time period with less disease to shorten life spans.
  2. No rain had yet fallen on the earth, and the expanse of “the waters of the heavens” (Genesis 1:7) kept out harmful cosmic rays and shielded people from environmental factors that hasten aging.
  3. God gave people longer lives so they would have time to “fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28).

28-31 When Lamech was 182 years old, he had a son. He named him Noah, saying, “This one will give us a break from the hard work of farming the ground that God cursed.” After Lamech had Noah, he lived another 595 years, having more sons and daughters. Lamech lived a total of 777 years. And he died.

32 When Noah was 500 years old, he had Shem, Ham, and Japheth.