RESOLUTION of The Archdiocese of the Sacred Heart

In adherence to the profound teachings and principles laid out in the Rule of Saint Benedict, we, the clergy, religious, and faithful of the Archdiocese of the Sacred Heart, recognizing the enduring wisdom and guidance of this ancient Rule, hereby resolve to reaffirm our commitment to living a life grounded in its precepts.

  1. Obedience to the Divine Will: We resolve to deepen our obedience to the divine will, as outlined in the Rule of Saint Benedict. We will strive to align our lives with God’s plan, embracing obedience as an expression of our faith and trust in His guidance.
  2. Conversion of Life: We commit to a continual process of conversion, recognizing that it is through daily examination and reflection on our thoughts and actions that we draw closer to God and grow in holiness. We will strive to live lives of humility, simplicity, and purity of heart.
  3. Community Life: We recognize the importance of community life as emphasized in the Rule of Saint Benedict. We resolve to foster a sense of community within our Archdiocese, supporting one another on our spiritual journeys and extending our love and care to all who seek refuge and solace in our community.
  4. Hospitality: We embrace the spirit of hospitality by welcoming all who come to us with warmth and kindness, seeing in every person the face of Christ. We will extend our generosity to those in need, offering both material and spiritual support to those who require it.
  5. Prayer and Work: We reaffirm the value of the balance between prayer and work, recognizing that all we do should be done for the glory of God. We resolve to prioritize regular and meaningful prayer in our daily lives, acknowledging that it is the foundation of our relationship with God.
  6. Stewardship of Resources: We commit to responsible stewardship of the resources with which we have been entrusted. We will use our time, talents, and material possessions wisely, ensuring that they are used for the greater good and the advancement of God’s kingdom.
  7. Formation and Education: We will prioritize the ongoing formation and education of our clergy, religious, and faithful in the principles of the Rule of Saint Benedict. We recognize that a deeper understanding of these teachings will enable us to live them more fully.
  8. Outreach and Evangelization: We resolve to carry the message of the Rule of Saint Benedict beyond our Archdiocese, actively engaging in outreach and evangelization efforts to share the wisdom and love of God with others.
  9. Prudent Governance: We commit to the prudent and just governance of our Archdiocese, recognizing that effective leadership is essential for the flourishing of our faith community.
  10. Gratitude: Finally, we resolve to live lives filled with gratitude for the gifts and blessings we have received, acknowledging that it is through thanksgiving that we come to know the depth of God’s love and grace.

May our adherence to the Rule of Saint Benedict serve as a source of inspiration and guidance in our pursuit of holiness and our mission to spread the love of Christ in our Archdiocese and beyond. With hearts open to God’s will, we make this resolution on this 14th day of January in the year 2001 of our Lord.

In the Spirit of Christ,

Most Reverend Sean Alexander, DD, OSB
Presiding Archbishop
Archdiocese of the Sacred Heart

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